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What Dictates The OSS Type For A Property?

on Wednesday, 27 September 2017.

One of the questions we are frequently asked is how the designer determines what kind of On-Site Sewer System (OSS) can go on a property. We always try to achieve a gravity system at the feasibility, however, that isn't always possible. When our designer goes to a feasibility appointment, he evaluates the type of soil and the depth of the soil. He'll also evaluate the slope on the property. Then, based on the current codes and regulations determined by the Kitsap Public Health District (KPHD), he'll come up with a design that can be proposed to the KPHD. 

Once a design is submitted, the KPHD inspector will go out and evaluate the soil logs, to make sure that what we have proposed can be achieved. If everything works out, then the design will be approved and installation can begin. For additional information on the septic design process, please click here. 


***Please note, all approvals, denials and additional requirements are at the discretion of the Kitsap Public Health District, and many factors are considered in this decision that may not be mentioned in this post.***