Septic vs Sewer
For newer customers, the septic system may seem a bit daunting compared to previous experiences with the sewer system. So with that in mind, we want to share some pros and cons of septic systems (versus sewer).
--Gives independence. You’re not connected and dependent on a city system, their chemical treatments, and their waste management prices (which are often inflated in order to cover their existing costs for a large wastewater treatment plant and for anticipated growth demands and upgrades). Additionally you’re not impacted by sewer system overflows, shut downs, or back-ups.
--Less expensive. Usually, even with an inflated economy, a septic system is less expensive to have designed and installed than hooking up to the city’s sewer system, if that’s even an option.
--Environmentally friendly. Septic systems use less energy. They also process the effluent in such a way that, when used and maintained properly, releases treated water back into the soil, which won’t contaminate local water sources and can provide nourishment for trees and plants while replenishing groundwater.
--Space. The size of a septic system depends, in part, on how many bedrooms are in your house as well as what system is possible for your property. However, the system requires space and establishing a reserve drain field is also a newer requirement for many counties.
--Maintenance. Most of the time with a sewer system, maintenance impacts the household minimally. However, with a septic system, it’s important to take care of your system. Regular checkups and occasional pumping are routine costs. Plus over time, even under a well-cared watch, a septic system will reach its geriatric years and will require more repairs and ultimately, replacement. (Tip: Put aside a small amount of money each month for a replacement septic system, understanding that an average system lasts about 35 years, depending on owner usage.)